Sunday, September 28, 2014


His devilish smirk showed no regrets.

I see says the blind man.

Violets aren`t blue, they are violet.

I`m too short for tall tales.

"I Want apples" John said fruitlessly.

Her screams made it all worthwhile.

The Following six word story is not mine, but it is by far my favorite.

Paramedics finished her text, “…love you.”


Sunday, September 21, 2014

John Proctor: Hero or Stooge?

John Proctor, a married farmer with three healthy kids seems like a former Salem resident, but he is much more than that. In the Crucible he plays much more than just a pawn in other Salem resident`s ploys, but he he`s a hero. Although John Proctor might be perceived as a villain for committing adultery by cheating on his wife with Abigail, he is a hero. In court Mr. Proctor did the right thing by confessing about his affair with Abigail. Elizabeth, John Proctor`s wife lied for him, to save his good name. For Elizabeth to have lied in court for John`s name he must have been doing right. The day of John Proctor`s execution he was forced to sign a contractor stating he was compacting with the devil and that he had broken his pact with Reverend Hale. This act makes him a hero because he stood up to the ignorance of the witch trials and the lack of actual justice coming from the trials. John took the hanging like a saint, he didn`t fight it, he accepted his mistakes and faced the consequences. Albeit I consider John Proctor a hero, i don`t consider him a good Puritan, He didn`t follow the Puritan rules, but there is a very big difference from a religious man and a hero. You can be both a good Puritan and a Hero, but John Proctor couldn`t be both.He lied to his wife, he didn`t  go to church regularly, his son wasn`t baptized, and he committed adultery, but his heart is in the right place.

Monday, September 15, 2014

There goes the neighborhood

It was a warm summer morning when the ships began to arrive. Men with a strange language started to make themselves heard.  Their complexion was that of cream and their attire exquisite. By now the entire tribe had gathered, curiously awaiting the men to step forward to greet them with food and well being.  The first man that dared to step onto our land did so with such heed and terror that he trembled. He was a a fairly young man,  most likely in his early twenties with a scrawny physique. The young man approached us and I stepped forward. He said something in the strange language of theirs which I assumed was a greeting. Then the women and the children approached him with food and water as a welcoming gift. The scrawny man called forth the rest of his entourage and the women and kids again welcomed their guest with food and water. The men studied the meal for a while,  then feasted as if they have never eaten. Not once did the men even converse. After the meal the guests set up to spend the night. The lead explorer stayed outside of their tent as if we were dangerous. These men seemed harmless and nothing can wrong from these new guests.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Behind the Legend

Hi, my name is Andy Garcia. I was born in Chicago and have lived in Pilsen all my life. I enjoy long walks on the beach, romantic candle lit dinners, and holding hands while watching the sunset. (Whoops! I thought this was still my OKcupid account.) On a serious note some hobbies i enjoy are: playing soccer, boxing, and playing volleyball. My favorite of the three is soccer, but I am not that good. I play three instruments; the guitar, piano and trombone. I suck at all of them, but I enjoy being able to play the wonderful instruments. My favorite subject in school is business. Business is my passion and it influenced my choice to want to become an economist. I can`t stand the taste of red velvet frosting, it tastes weird and I`m not too fond of cakes either. Everyday I grab my favorite newspaper:the Chicago RedEye and i read it front to back. My least favorite subject is math, it doesn`t like me, and I don`t like it. My favorite book is "Return to Sender" by Julia Alvarez. That book is so sad and it talks about undocumented immigrants and the struggles they face. One interesting fact about me is that I was operated at 40 days old due to a hernia. Thanks for reading.